An Entrepreneur will obtain the Decision on the Support of a new investment if particular qualitative and quantitative criteria of an investment project are met.

Qualitative criterion

The qualitative criteria (to download) are set out in Annex 1 to the Regulation on state aid granted to certain entrepreneurs for the implementation of new investments (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1713).

In order to qualify for the support an investment project must receive at least 6 points out of 10.

Quantitative criterion

In order to be qualified for the support programme, an investment must involve a correspondingly high eligible outlays (to download), depending on an Entrepreneur status (LARGE/MEDIUM/SMALL/MICRO) and on the unemployment rate in the district  where the new investment is located (unemployment in a  district is assessed in line with announcements from the President of the Central Statistical Office, published once a year).

The amount of costs that an entrepreneur applying for the support shall be obliged to incur, is the lowest when the investment is located in a medium-sized town losing its socio-economic functions  or in communes bordering such town. A list of such towns is made available at the following link: „LIST OF TOWNS“. Within the area managed by LSSE S.A., Złotoryja is the only town losing its socio-economic functions .

The minimum investment outlays in Złotoryja and the adjacent communes  are as follows: PLN 10 million – LARGE, PLN 2 million – MEDIUM, PLN 500,000 – SMALL, PLN 200,000 – MICRO-ENTREPRENEUR

The definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is defined in Annex 1 to Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of June 17, 2014, declaring certain categories of aid as compatible with the common internal market in application of art. 107 and 108 of the Treaty (Official Journal of the European Union L 187 of 26/06/2014, as amended), (to download).

Investment costs that an entrepreneur shall be  obliged to incur, depending on the location of investment ,  are presented in the table below:

Definicja MSP Rozporządzenie KOMISJI WE
Koszty kwalifikujące do objęcia wsparciem 2019
Kryteria jakościowe sektor przemysłowy
Kryteria jakościowe sektor usług
Lista MIAST tracących funkcje społeczno-gospodarcze